I love creating freebies (and paid products) to help other teachers save time. I ask that you respect my time and copyrighted products by following my terms of use. All of my printables must remain on our site and can not be posted on another website. Your readers and co workers will need to come here to download their own copy.
Each printable file (both free and paid) includes a copy of our Terms of Use. Please be sure to read this carefully. I am including highlights from our TOU here:
- Use this item for your personal use
- Use this item for your classroom and/or students
- Purchase unlimited licenses for others to use this item at a discounted price.
- Review this item for the purpose of recommending it to others as long as there is a direct link for it to be purchased from Sara J Creations
- Enjoy this product for years to come (remember to check back for updated versions on paid products)
- Give this item to others.
- Copy this item for use by others.
- Post this item on a website, including a personal website, classroom website, or district website.
- Copy or modify any part of this document to offer others for free or for sale.
Please note that I have the right to modify any of the terms in this agreement at any time. New terms will go into effect immediately. I appreciate you respecting my hard work!