Five for Friday

Today I'm linking up with Doodlebugs for 5 for Friday.  So here are 5 random things about my week....

On Monday, I got to have a "business meeting" with a fellow TpTer.  I'm so glad we connected and live so close.  Even though our stores focus on different grades it is still nice to talk to another teacher who is just as obsessed with creating and selling.  She currently co-teaches and I spent three years doing the same thing so just another thing we had in common.  She is also new to the blogging world so we are learning together.  Elyse is such a sweetie and so full of energy and is contagious.   Here is a link to her new blog : Elyse Jahnke

My blog design was finished this week and ready to launch!  So exciting.  I had Kristy (of Kristy Bear Designs) design the basics and I've been slowly learning about other things to add to the blog on the side bar.  I even figured out how to add a signature on my own!  I knew I could do some of this blog stuff on my just takes time to learn.

Last week, I created Dolch sight word practice pages for pre-primer through second grade.  At a customer request I added third grade too this week.  I'm glad I did because in the process I went back through the other files and bundles I posted and realized the Dolch list I was using was wrong.  So I had to go back to the pre-primer and primer list and add a few words and delete others.  I probably should have compared a few lists before I published and bundled that bad boy.  Oh well.  It is all fixed now and is sold in a few different ways.

Here is a picture of one of my tutoring kiddo's work in action.  He is going into kindergarten in the fall so this is from my pre-primer/primer packet but can also be found in my Pre-K Summer Review packet that he is doing for homework this summer.  

This has been a crazy week.  K, my two year old has been tired and crabby this week and we have had a few frustrating days.  But on a positive note she's been excited about wearing "big girl pants" and has asked to wear them the past few days and has stayed dry all day.  I'm still putting diapers on her when she sleeps and sometimes when we go out.  Baby steps!  M, my 8 month old had her first tooth pop through this week.  Overall, she's been her normal happy self but she had a rough day that of course was the same day that her sister was having a rough day....ahhh!!  Mommy needed a shopping timeout that night after daddy got home!  

On top of a rough week for the girls, we've been busy getting ready for the baby shower we are hosting this weekend.  Remind me not to host events at my house anymore?!?  Ugh!  So much to do all week.  My Silhouette Cameo has been getting a workout making decorations.  The lighting in the picture was not great but it is a balloon banner to go with our Ready to Pop theme.  I just used the oval shape for the balloons.  The font is HelloTypwriterHype by Hello Literacy.  Then I used some baker's twine from my scrapbook stash to make strings hanging down.

And fitting for number is our 5th wedding anniversary.  It has been the fastest five years.  I swear planning the wedding took longer than the past five years.  2 kids and a dog later....we are living the dream we always say!  We are getting out tonight for dinner and maybe a movie and then next weekend we are going away overnight - our first time away from the baby.

Photos by Melany Hallgren

Have a great weekend!!