After Christmas, we decided that we needed a playroom so we've been working on turning our formal living room that we rarely used into a playroom. It is a work in progress. We are trying not to spend too much money on this project after the holidays and with our Florida trip coming up. So it is still a mix of adult room and kid room. But many of their toys are in there. We still have toys in other rooms so that they are entertained throughout the house, but a bulk of them are stored in there. I'm trying to let that room go. My husband said "Now didn't we just create another room for you to clean?" My response was NO! It is a playroom and because we use it for nothing else but a playroom, if the toys are left out, I don't care at the end of the night. The problem is that this is the first room you see when you walk into our house and there are no doors. So people will see the mess. Oh well. Maybe I'll make one of those signs about excusing the mess because my kids are making memories! I'll do a more detailed post about the playroom once we have more done. We are still stuck with what to do with the bulky baby items (swing, bouncy seat, jumper seat and exosaucer thing.) I wanted them out because they waste space and our kids have outgrown them but we don't have many places to store them without completely taking them apart. We wanted them to be available for my nephew when he comes over every week. And recently my kids have decided it is fun to play with the baby toys again. Soooo....they are staying right now.
Instagram! I'm on it! Okay so I've used and been in love with Insta for years in my personal life. But I've had a private account so I can control who has access to my kiddos (I know it is crazy.) I've wanted to use it for business but I heard that you had to log out of one account and into the other all the time. I could see it being a huge pain so I've held off. After reading a post on the TpT forum about newbies starting on Instagram, I had an epiphany. What if I logged into my business account on my tablet and then my personal one on my phone? So I did it. Last night I set it up on my tablet along with my twitter account. I had my private accounts logged in which is silly because I never check them on my tablet since my phone is usually closer to me. I also put the Dropbox app onto my tablet so that I can get pictures from my phone and computer easily. I'm so excited to connect with others through pictures. It is a social media form that I can rally behind. I'm all about the visual. If you are on Instagram, find me @sarajcreations and I'll follow you back. I'll have to see if I can add my Insta link to my header or sidebar on my blog.
Before I started any new products, I've been trying to go back and finish some products and update some others. I shared earlier this week about the major facelift that my 100s Day Products got. It was my very first TpT product and it was very sad. I also updated the covers of my place value task cards. This was the before covers:
I didn't hate them. In fact I still love chevron and loved the consistency on all the versions. But I didn't love the fonts and I felt like it was hard to read. So I updated the covers with new fonts, clipart and papers. The product is still the same. Each edition includes:
-32 task cards
-color and black and white versions
-student recording sheet
-answer key
-ideas for using task cards
-Common Core standards used
Here are the new covers:
If you want to try out these task cards, I have a free sample. The free sample includes cards from all of the above sets.
It was been a trying mommy week. The girls are still overtired from the holidays and it is has been rough trying to get into a routine. Ever since K moved to her big girl bed, sleep has been elusive. She used to be a great sleeper or at least played quietly in bed so I thought she was doing a lot of sleeping. Now, not so much. She is up and attempting to get out of bed and out of her room anytime she wakes up. She is convinced it is morning time. My little one can handle not having a lot of sleep and it just makes her cuddly and she goes down instantly when we put her in bed. The older one is totally different. She is a beast when she is tired. Not listening, not cleaning, instigating her sister, roughhousing with her sister, crying, whining. We dropped her off at my parents last night for a sleepover so I can have a little break from her and can have some one on one time with her sister today. On that note, it is time to get her up and start our day!
Happy Friday!