This seemed like another fast week....I feel like it was just Monday and now here we are ready to start the weekend again. Yay!
March Madness is in full swing. I generally don't really care too much about basketball. My husband will probably spend the entire weekend watching as many games as possible. Though I am a little more motivated to watch this year since I'm participating in the March Blogger Match Up. My first game is on tonight. I'm not too optimistic that Oklahoma State will win or that I will get to watch much of the game since that is right in the middle of dinner/bath/bedtime routine at our house. Should be a relaxing weekend at our house with lots of tv time (and hopefully work time for me).
So I think I've found a new guilty pleasure tv show. I kept seeing the previews for The Royals on E! and was intrigued. I caught the first episode this week and I think I'm going to be hooked. I think it will be my new Nashville - romance, scandal, relationships, family dynamics. Good times!!
We had a playdate this week and I decided to make puffy paint. I've been wanting to do this for awhile. We used to make a version of this in the preschool I worked in during college but we used liquid water colors, which I don't have (until today when my Amazon Prime package is delivered). My friend, Jennifer, at A Dab of Glue Will Do blogged about making puffy paint so I followed her directions. I'll blog about it in more detail soon. The girls had so much fun. The 3 year olds painted at first and then asked to use their hands. It was a fun texture so I just let them play and get messy. They kind of missed the puffy part because they were painting like regular paint and smoothing it all out. The one year old actually did the best - she stayed the cleanest, didn't try to put it in her mouth, and had big drops that dried into a fun puffy designs.I'm still obsessed with Scandal though I haven't been loving the episodes lately with the whole kidnapping storyline. Though last night's episode felt more like the old episodes that I loved. I'm still torn between Jake and the President...I go back and forth between who I want Olivia Pope to be with. It seems like ever since I started working in the dining room so I can actually sit at a table, I've been watching less tv and listening to more music or Gilmore Girls through Netflix on my tablet. But this week I was missing watching tv and clearing out my DVR so I moved locations to have tv in the background again. And Scandal has become a show that I either watch live or watch an hour later so I can zoom through the commercials...I can't usually wait a few days to catch up on that one...I need it on Thursday!!
What are you up to this weekend??