Last weekend, my husband and I got to enjoy a last minute date night. And my mom offered to keep the girls overnight....and then all day Sunday until we came over for a BBQ. Um okay. How can this overtired mommy say no to that?? When we realized how much time we'd have we got overly ambitious and thought about seeing two movies. Unfortunately, that didn't happen since we had been outside planting and doing yard work so we got a late start. Regardless, we had a great time. We had an awesome dinner at a new Mexican restaurant, went shopping for Fitbits (initiated more by my husband than me which made me happy because he never wants to buy stuff), drinks and then Pitch Perfect 2. I loved it of course. I thought it ended kind of abruptly but I still loved it and my husband laughed through the whole thing.
So now we are Fitbit obsessed. Which I guess is a good thing. We need the exercise. We need to get in shape since we both tend to sit for our jobs (haha, okay so I just sit during naptime when I'm on my computer) and then want to just relax once the girls go to bed. We both need the reminder to be active and don't like to "fail" at a task so we are working hard each day to make sure we have all of our steps, stairs, activity and water in. It has been really motivating to try to compete and get our steps each night. It has meant more walks at night and more walking around the house, which has led to less work time. I'll find a balance I'm sure.
On Monday, we decided to take the girls to a Memorial Day parade. And because I am so emotional when it comes to that kind of stuff, I cried as the veterans marched past. The girls loved it. M just wanted to stand in the street and dance. I had to keep pulling her back to the side. And once K finally figured out what the whole throwing candy thing was about, she was all about grabbing candy.
Last Friday, I finally finished my Fourth Grade Summer Review for tutoring this summer. I wanted to get it done and posted before the long weekend so I could focus on family and getting work done around the house. Here is a little peek at some of the pages that are included. There are 50 math pages and 30 ELA pages. They are designed to be no prep activities to help prevent the summer slide.
I had an awesome chat with the CEO of Tailwind this week. Do you like how I say that all casual like it was no big thing? It was. I was freaking out. I reached out to the company about donations for a meetup we are doing in Vegas and he wanted to talk to me more about TpT and how to get more TpTers aware of Tailwind. If you don't know what it is, it is a Pinterest scheduler. You can schedule when to have your pins pinned and to what boards. It also gives you a ton of analytics to be a more effective pinner. I read THIS blog post a few weeks ago and have been intrigued by the idea of Tailwind but I haven't given it a try. After chatting with the CEO and realizing how awesome he is, I am all about signing up for this. Anyone have experience with this? What are your thoughts? I would love to hear your thoughts.